
Get ready for a weekend full of amazing experiences for the whole family!

With engaging workshops, and a variety of fun activities, Kolla x Mersch will be a celebration of sustainability and community.

Yoga Flow

Fléiss mam Yoga an de Weekend. Entdeck eng Serie vu verschidden Asanas déi am Flow mateneen kombinéiert ginn, woubäi Stabilitéit, Kraaft, Beweeglechkeet a Mobilitéit ënnerstëtzt ginn. Ofgeschloss gëtt de Cours mat bewonnernswäerten Otemtechniken fir dann schlussendlech mat enger entspaanter Meditatioun ofzeschléissen.

Friday, 6-7.30 pm: Sunset Yoga
Saturday, 1.30-3.00pm: Yoga Flow

The YIYA Concept

Short workshop (2-3 hours) introducing the YI YA Concept, which consists in the development of Body, Breath, Mind & Spirit with the goal of achieving an holistic balanced health state. It combines Elements from Qi Gong, Natural Movement, Functional Training, Yoga, Shaolin Kung Fu, Therapy & Healing.

Schedule for 3 hours: – Introduction (10 Min) – Energetic Warm Up & Mobility (15 Min) – Qi & Nei Gong (40 min) – Natural & Functional Movement (40 Min) – Yoga (40 Min) – Therapy, Massage & Healing (30 Min) – Closing (5 Min)

Mavelos – Esoteric Hemp Shop

Nicht alkoholische Getränke, Esoterik, Edelstein-Schmuck, CBD, Tabakprodukte

Oh my dog dog training

Oh my dog is going from dog walking to walk training in collaboration with pandoga.
Saturday + Sunday 2-6pm

Beginner’s Yoga for adults and children

Breathing techniques and a basic flow yoga course for adults who want to get to know yoga and never have practiced it or already have some basics. (+- 1h)
Saturday+ Sunday 5.30pm

a playful yoga technique for children in order to learn to connect to their bodies and learn to better manage their emotions (+-1h)

Children 3-6 years: Saturday + Sunday 10h30
Children 7-12 years: Saturday + Sunday 14h30

Minding through Music Improvisation

Together with Lucas Lentz, a longtime drummer friend, Christophe Novak will open the space for a hands-on exploration of the electro-accoustic live set that they use in their performance with Achronon. The workshop is designed for a small group (max 8 persons) interested in learning the basics of live looping and electro-accoustic music improvisation.

They will share insights from their life-long personal experience as percussionists, drummers, and electronic music afficionados. The core of this workshop is about communicating the fundamental principles of an improvisation mindset, applied to music, and learning how to apply the skills acquired through improvised music-making back into our everyday lives.

Lëtz Rise Up – Anti racist quizz

Luxembourg décolonial: une visite guidée virtuelle

Shaolin Nei Gong (Yan Shou Gong)

Yan Shou Gong, translated as The Art Of Longevity, originated in the Southern Shaolin Temple and is a Shaolin Nei (Qi) Gong form which emphasizes the development of internal energies and the mind. It also teaches how to perform techniques such as Grounding, Rooting and Centering, as well as creating awareness and mindfulness of being in the body.

Furthermore, all the skills and benefits from the practiced forms can be used as general health improvement as well as for application in martial arts.

Despite having 36 different sets, we will only cover the fundamentals (theory, string application, energy control) as well as YSG Set 1 (Everything Comes From Emptiness) & Set 2 (Looking Left, Looking Right).

Massagetherapy on the chair – yiya.concept

Release tensions of shoulder and neck on the massage chair with little or high pressure.


Live bodypainting and showcase walkaround on the Festival area


Authentic Cacao Ceremony- Cacao Club

Ceremonial cacao and a taste of a gentle plant ceremony, accompanied by Reiki and sound. Fresh cacao drinks to taste real and pure cacao. Short reiki session accompanied by mini cacao drinks. (cacao ceremonies)

Pipapo – Safer Party, Safer Use, Safer Sex an Safer Spaces

Sex Drogen a Party 🙂
Pipapo huet e Stand wou Partygänger ageluede ginn, mat hinnen iwwer Party ze schwätzen.

Wei kënne mir zesummen eng Partykultur promoten, déi méi safe, inklusiv an egalitär ass. Si schwätzen iwer Harm Reduction beim Konsum vun legalen an illegaliséierten Substanzen, verdeelen Gummien an Ouerestëpp, Infomaterial zu Drogen, maachen eng Emfro mat de Party Leit iwwert Partygewunnechten an sinn einfach chill drop 🙂
An den DUCK ass och dobäi 🙂


Greenpeace gives information about their activities in Luxemburg. Their current focus is raising awareness about Glyphosate.

De Laachmännchen – Lieshaus Miersch

Liesung vun “De Laachmännchen” vum Manon Della Siega fir Kanner vu 4 Joer un an hir Begleetpersounen. Éischt Liesung op Lëtzebuergesch, zweet Liesung op Franséisch. Duerno kënnen d’Kanner de Laachmännche faarweg molen.

LU: De Männchen, deen d’Leit laachen deet. Et war eemol e klenge Männchen, dee war esou schéi giel ewéi d’Sonn. Mee en huet dauernd eng déck Schëpp geschnidden. Firwat nëmmen? A wisou huet ëmmer jiddereen ugefaange mat Laachen, wann eise Männchen iergendwou opgedaucht ass? Entdeckt d’Geschicht vum Laachmännchen, dem Männchen, deen d’Leit laachen deet.

FR : Le bonhomme tout jaune qui faisait rire Il était une fois un joli bonhomme tout jaune qui ressemblait au soleil. Or, il avait constamment la mine renfrognée. Pourquoi donc? Et pour quelles raisons les autres se mettaient à rire à chaque fois que notre bonhomme apparaissait quelque part? Découvrez l’histoire du bonhomme tout jaune qui faisait rire.

Geschichten am Park

D’Mierscher Lieshaus invitéiert d’Geschichtenerzielerin Melissa, fir Geschichten an der Natur an iwwert d’Natur ze erzielen. D’Mierscher Lieshaus presentéiert Kannerbicher.

International Foodsharing Collab

Juggling show, film screening, info meeting, conferences and workshops

The Foodsharing Academy from Cologne (Germany) is the development education institution of the non-profit and voluntary food saving movement foodsharing. We want to show global connections of poverty, hunger and food waste and the necessity of a sustainable food transition. Our goal is to reduce environmental destruction, resource destruction and food waste, to promote the appreciation of good food, to change eating habits and to actively enforce practical solutions.
foodsharing is completely independent of politics, parties, industry and trade.
Since November 2022, the Foodsharing Academy has been implementing the European cooperation project “Food Sharing without Borders – Foodsharing Academy Crosses Borders” with Foodsharing Luxembourg and the food sharing movement in Belgium in order to establish and expand the educational work there. The project is funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union and the Œuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte.

La Plume – Book Shop

Livres d’occasion sur des thèmes liés au mouvement de la transition: écologie, nature, alimentation végane et végétarienne, jardin, nouvelles formes d’économie et de société, psychologie, philosophie, bien-être

Atelier d’art “Décalcomanie” – SOS Kannerduerf Lëtzebuerg

Mir bidden Décalcomanie/ Frottage-Technik als Oppenen Atelier un. Eis Zilgrupp si Kanner, Jugendlecher an Erwuessener déi Loscht hunn sech kreativ auszeprobéieren. Et ka mat Bläistëfter, Pastell- oder Flëssegfaarwen op A4 an A3 Blieder gemoolt ginn.
Mir proposéieren verschidden thematesch Iddie,  wéi zum Beispill eng Landschaft oder en Fantasiewiesen oder et kann een och eng ganz fräi Gestaltung maachen an sech einfach mat de Materialien ausprobéieren. 
Beim Frottage-Material leeën mir wäert op  Naturmaterialien ewéi Blieder, Äscht, Holz, Rinde etc. an Offallmaterialien aus Plastik sinn.

Iwwer SOS Kannerduerf Lëtzebuerg:
Zënter 55Joer mëcht SOS Kannerduerf Lëtzebuerg sech stark fir Kanner, Jugendlecher a Familljen a schwierege Liewenssituatiounen hei zu Lëtzebuerg. Mir setzen eis an fir eng Welt, an där d’Kanner d’Léift, de Schutz an den Encouragement kréien, déi se brauchen an entwéckele Projete, déi si encouragéieren, hire Wee ze fannen an hiert perséinlech, schoulescht a berufflecht Potenzial ze verwierklechen.

Fir méi iwwer eis Aktivitéite gewuer ze gin, besicht eis Websäit:


We offer the Decalcomanie/Frottage technique as an open workshop. Our target group are children, teenagers and adults who want to try themselves creatively. It can be painted with the material pencil, pastel or liquid paint on sheet sized A4 or A3 format. We suggest different thematic ideas such as a landscape or a fantasy creature or make a very fresh design and simply experiment with the materials. Frottage material values ​​natural materials such as leaves, ash, wood, bark, etc. and waste materials made of plastic. We take care to collect material that does not hurt.

About: SOS Kannerduerf Lëtzebuerg:

For 55 years, the well-being of children, young people and families in demanding life situations has been the core activity of SOS Kannerduerf Lëtzebuerg. We are committed to a world in which children receive the love, protection and support they need, and develop projects that encourage them to find their way and achieve their personal, educational and professional goals.

For more information on our activities, please visit our website:

Board games, card games, crafting workshops, face painting (LASEP/ZAK)

The Ligue des Associations Sportives de l’Enseignement Fondamental, LASEP, was founded in 1964 and is enshrined in the Education Act of 6 February 2009.
LASEP complements the educational mission of the primary school by engaging in extracurricular sports.
Thanks to its collaboration with the Ministère de l’Éducation, de l’Enfance et de la Jeunesse, as well as numerous local authorities, schools, Maison Relais and sports federations, LASEP succeeds in promoting the fun and enjoyment of physical activity, as well as placing the needs of the child at the centre of its activities.
LASEP offers regular training sessions in 78 local structures (associations sportives), which follow the philosophy of “MULTI-SPORTS”. It thus enables a wide range of possibilities for movement and physical activity. Boys and girls of the primary school, between 3 and 12 years of age, are introduced in a playful way to participate in different disciplines. Fair play is always in the foreground. The weekly units are facilitated by qualified staff.
LASEP can serve as a springboard for children to become active in sports clubs.
The LASEP, this is also a wide range of events during the school year with a variety of sports being offered. These can take the form of competitions as well as promotional events.
Both small and tall can take advantage of these varied offers and meet other children at both regional and national level.
LASEP, with almost 60 years of experience, contributes to the harmonious development of children and promotes health and well-being.
LASEP is ready to welcome any child who wishes to discover the world of sport and movement.

Who is ZAK?
The association was founded in September 2008 by a group of coaches, sportspeople with and without mental disabilities, and parents who wanted to embark on a new path. The aim of ZAK! is to work in an integrative way and to encourage the inclusion of mentally handicapped people in sporting, cultural and social activities.

The association is based exclusively on the principle of voluntary work. ZAK! functions essentially thanks to competent and committed trainers, enthusiastic young partners ready to sacrifice part of their free time for a good cause, and parents and educators concerned with a better acceptance of the mentally handicapped in society.

Vegan Society Luxembourg asbl

The VSL promotes the development of veganism in Luxembourg and Europe, through raising awareness on the benefits of veganism, for the animals, the environment and our health.

Klammklub Uelzechtdall

Vikingerschach, Slackline Parcours